Maruti Suzuki launched the Ignis facelift today. The base variant is priced at Rs 4.89 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi) while top of the line variant is priced at Rs 7.19 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). The prices for all variants is now up by Rs 6000. Maruti also showcased the car earlier at the AutoExpo 2020. Not only does the car come with the BS VI compliant engine, the exterior has been refreshed too, though the changes are only minimal. There's a new grille, reworked front and rear bumpers, faux skid plates and on the side, you would notice that wheel arches now get black cladding.
While there's no diesel engine on offer, the petrol motor can be had with both a five speed manual as well a five speed AMT unit. Maruti is also offering two new colours - Lucent Orange and Turquoise Blue. In addition, Maruti is also offering three dual-tone colours which can be had with the Alpha and Zeta variants. These are, Nexa Blue with Black, Lucent Orange with Black, and Nexa Blue with Silver. The price of these colours is an extra Rs 13000.
The 1.2-litre petrol motor has four cylinders and is the same unit that powers other cars from the Maruti Suzuki like the Swift, Dzire. It puts out 83bhp of power and 113Nm of torque. The interior of the car remains unchanged and you get a SmartPlay infotainment system with other features such as ISOFIX, ABS, EBD etc. In this segment, Maruti Suzuki Ignis competes with the likes of Mahindra KUV100, Maruti Swift, Ford Freestyle, Hyundai Grand i10.
Let us know in the comment section below what you think of the car.
Maruti Ignis |
The 1.2-litre petrol motor has four cylinders and is the same unit that powers other cars from the Maruti Suzuki like the Swift, Dzire. It puts out 83bhp of power and 113Nm of torque. The interior of the car remains unchanged and you get a SmartPlay infotainment system with other features such as ISOFIX, ABS, EBD etc. In this segment, Maruti Suzuki Ignis competes with the likes of Mahindra KUV100, Maruti Swift, Ford Freestyle, Hyundai Grand i10.
Let us know in the comment section below what you think of the car.