Kia has just launched the Carnival at a starting price of Rs 24.95 lakh (ex-showroom). The car will be available with three levels of trim - Premium, Prestige and Limousine with several seat configurations to choose from. The top of the line, Limousine variant is available only with 7-seat option (2+2+3). Prestige will be available with 7-seat and 9-seat (2+2+2+3) configuration, while Premium will offers 8-seat (2+3+3) and 7-seat configuration. The Limousine variant is priced at Rs 33.95 lakh.
Initially believed to be a competitor to the Toyota Innova, the Carnival is placed in a segment above. The car is powered by a 2.2-litre, four-cylinder diesel engine that puts out an impressive 200hp and 440Nm of torque. The power is sent to front wheels only and the transmission employs an 8-speed torque converter unit. The engine is in fact BS-VI compliant and the car is rated for fuel efficiency of 13.9kmpl by ARAI.
The car comes equipped with lot of features as standard like ABS with EBD, dual airbags, Isofix mounts, rear parking sensors with camera, projector headlamps, cruise control, 18-inch alloy wheels, power-sliding doors, tilt and telescopic steering, three-zone climate control, an 8.0-inch touchscreen system with support for Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, keyless entry and power-adjustable wing mirrors. The mid variant, Prestige offers additional features like side and curtain airbags, ESC, hill-start assist, front parking sensors, ice-cube LED fog lamps, a powered tailgate, LED projector headlamps, a dual-pane sunroof and power-folding ORVMs. The 9-seater version of the Prestige variant also gets exclusive leather upholstery. The Limousine variant gets captain seats for second row and have extendable leg support, Nappa leather seat upholstery, leather-wrapped steering wheel and gear knob, UVO connected car features (UVO seamlessly integrates smartphone, car and its infotainment system into a single unit and provides other features such as dedicated emergency assistance etc.), rear-seat entertainment screens (10.1inch), an air purifier and a ventilated driver's seat with powered adjustment features.
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Kia Carnival |
The car comes equipped with lot of features as standard like ABS with EBD, dual airbags, Isofix mounts, rear parking sensors with camera, projector headlamps, cruise control, 18-inch alloy wheels, power-sliding doors, tilt and telescopic steering, three-zone climate control, an 8.0-inch touchscreen system with support for Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, keyless entry and power-adjustable wing mirrors. The mid variant, Prestige offers additional features like side and curtain airbags, ESC, hill-start assist, front parking sensors, ice-cube LED fog lamps, a powered tailgate, LED projector headlamps, a dual-pane sunroof and power-folding ORVMs. The 9-seater version of the Prestige variant also gets exclusive leather upholstery. The Limousine variant gets captain seats for second row and have extendable leg support, Nappa leather seat upholstery, leather-wrapped steering wheel and gear knob, UVO connected car features (UVO seamlessly integrates smartphone, car and its infotainment system into a single unit and provides other features such as dedicated emergency assistance etc.), rear-seat entertainment screens (10.1inch), an air purifier and a ventilated driver's seat with powered adjustment features.
Let us know what you think of the car in the comment section below